# 16

Berlin - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe - Lyon - Marseille
Baptiste Croze + Simon Feydieu + Rooms - Arianna Rodeghiero & Samuel Moncharmont + Aleschija Seibt

October 2016

Draw a Line on a Map
Tournèe is a collective, nomadic exhibition project, wandering from Berlin to Marseille via Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Lyon. 
In each city, the group consisting of German and French artists will let their works correspond with each other for one night only, moving on the next day. The stops of the tour are determined by the cities they live and work in respectively.

The works shown are being transformed anew by each exhibition and are shaped by each venue. Thus, circumstances like the exhibition spaces and their size, the local visitors coming to each show and logistics take center stage.
"Tournée » is like a reflection of the works which it promotes: a ephemeral process prone to accidents and chances.